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Bamboo Community Q & A - Macauley Jones

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Elliott Lyons
Elliott Lyons

Today we commence a new series; Bamboo Community Q&A - dedicated to the amazing people that Bamboo brings together. This series will share the story, experiences and insight of our users in relation to the one passion we all have in common, crypto.

First up is Macauley Jones who is a race driver in the Supercars Championship, an avid crypto enthusiast and passionate Bamboo user.

Macauley what prompted you to start your investing journey? 
The interest I had on my savings in the bank seemed to be a waste so I was looking for ways to put my money to work. I have had some shares for a few years but found them a little boring and they kind of just sat there...

What was your first Crypto investment? 
Ethereum was my first purchase in mid to late 2021. So still early days for me but I did a lot of research before investing in crypto.

What made you choose that token? 
Well as BTC and ETH are pretty safe tokens in my opinion, so I went for the ETH option. Not to mention the utility of ETH with other Dapps and NFT options.

What has been your best crypto investment?
My Best Investment was more on the NFT front (seems funny to call NFT an investment) but Fluf World has been a great research project for me!

What has been your worst crypto investment?
Time Wonderland… it wasn’t a big investment but dabbled in to something I didn’t research enough and learnt the lesson I needed to.

What advice would you give to your younger self about investing? 
I would say just start and get dollar cost averaging! Although with my all in mentality and love of research and the technology, it just worked straight away.

Is there anything you would have done differently when you first started investing in crypto?
Well I have definitely learnt lessons from lack of research, but I needed to learn those lessons. I am sure there will be more bad decision but as long as I learn from them I’m okay with it. Also narrow in on a topic a bit more. For example if gaming is your thing or defi, go in that direction, don’t FOMO into needing all the tokens.

So great to catch up with Macauley and hear about his journey into crypto so far. Jump over and follow his racing career on his Instagram and stay tuned for another instalment of Bamboo Community Q & A next week here on the blog.

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