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Meet the Team - Nic Baxter

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Elliott Lyons
Elliott Lyons

Meet the Team - Nic Baxter

Nic Baxter is one of the most popular and in demand employees here at Bamboo. As a budding Data Scientist at Curtin University, Nic spends his days out of class digging for gold in the form of data for almost every department in our organisation. Along with having the best hair in the company he is also a ripper young professional that we're stoked to have as part of our day to day operation. Read on and enjoy getting to know our intern, Nic Baxter...

Role at Bamboo?
Intern Data Scientist

What do you love about your job?
I love having the opportunity to work alongside people who are visibly passionate about what they do and who are always happy to give assistance where needed, it makes for a great working environment at Bamboo.

When you’re not at work - what are you up to?
Aside from my studies, playing sport takes up a fair bit of my time. I’m a huge fan of basketball, so when I’m not working, I’ll either be watching or playing the game. I have also been big on golf in the past year so that’s another way I like to spend my spare time.

Favourite holiday destination?
I’d have to say New Zealand

Any crypto project you’re keeping a close eye on?
Not currently, just staying loyal to the two main players, ETH and BTC.

Have you been into crypto for a while?
No, it’s only been in the past year where I’ve started paying more attention to the market

If you weren’t a Data Scientist what would you be?
I have no idea

Golfer perhaps? What was your childhood dream?
It definitely was to be a sports star, either playing soccer or basketball.

Favourite sports team?
Chicago Bulls

Favourite social media platform and why?
Instagram, a great place to capture and share those memorable moments in life.

Any podcasts we should check out?
Crypto Curious

Any TV / Movie recommendations for us...
Any movie directed by Christopher Nolan. Prison Break is also a TV series I thoroughly enjoyed

Thanks for for tuning in to another instalment of Meet the Team here at Bamboo. Keep up to date with everything happening week to week by following us on LinkedIn here or subscribing to our newsletter below.

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